Branding, Benchmark

Raising the bar: a standout microbrewery branding and benchmarking project

2 weeks project, April 2022, Nantes, France

My role

I worked on this project alone.

The problem

The goal of this project was to create a unique proposition of a microbrewerie concept that was different from competitors.

The solution

The unique value proposition we came up with was for the microbrewery to have a “membership-app” with features such as ordering on the app, notification of events, fidelity advantages and accessibility.

The process

In the process of creating this concept, I made a a competitive audit and a brand identity.

About l'Orgerie

L'Oregerie is a microbrewery in Nantes with access to a member app.

L'Orgerie's brand is refined and expressive, with an attention to visual and quality in order to create an emotional connection with the customer. The outstanding experience happens in a lush, 1930s-inspired setting known for its worldliness and refinement.

Goal and method


I audited and examined competitors to understand how the L'Orgerie compared. In order to make L'Orgerie app functional and informative providing the brewerie experience like no other in Nantes.

Research questions

  • Are they attracting the audience that they say they are speaking to?
  • Do they have a website, apps or activity on social media?
  • Will the user get confused as they navigate throught the website/app?

Who is the target audience?

The clientele of the bar is trendy of all ages, mostly working adults looking for a pleasant environment and quality/sophisticated products but also college students enjoying the app.

Who are your key competitors and what are the type and quality of their products?

Our key competitors are Canopée, a local restaurant, and Cocktail Experience, a small cocktail bar that changes monthly recipes of cocktails made with great care. Both are direct competitors. Canopée has a website that communicates the place's history and the menu. Canopée offers the possibility to privatize all or part of the brasserie for lunch or evening services.

How do competitors position themselves in the market?

Canopée positions itself as a traditional French restaurant with a pleasant green art deco decor and an open selling. However, they don't offer a large choice of cocktails. Cocktail Experience markets itself to customers who wants to discover original cocktails. However it does not have a website but it is active on Facebook. Both, despite the young vibes of Cocktail Experience, mainly target higher-income clientele who like to drink cocktails and eat food they can feel good about.


None of them have an app with a membership which is an opportunity to stand out. So I generated an app to extend the experience with a loyalty system. Here are the main features of the app:

  • Inform clients of their favorite drinks and what they would probably like.
  • Remembering users' payment information.
  • Member advantages during events or after a given number of drinks.
  • Accessibility, we will be offering full menu in different languages as well as an audio description menu.

Brand identity

In the following part you will find the logo, fonts, images in order to create consistency across the brand. The goal is to create a story in a way that generates loyalty, awareness and excitement.


Logo on a white background

The logo should be used on a white background whenever it is possible. It is composed of 2 elements that may not be separated.

  • The symbol composed of a circle with butterfly wings and minimalistic barley grains.
  • The word L'ORGERIE in upper case letters.

Logo on green background

Use on screen media

Use on dark mode and print media

Design Grid

Grid 10px
Grid 10px

This grid illustrates the design of the logo, its proportion and the space that should be respected.




Minimum authorized size

When required by the media to ensure legibility.

The logo: 60px
favicon: 35px
logotype: 80px


L'Orgerie's typography provides the variety necessary for its app content. Both Poppins and Lato offer differentiation of weights.
Also, we thought about the scale for mobile, we made sure to have it large enough to read easily at arm's length and provide a smooth read.


L'Orgerie's primary color is green. It uses a variation of this colour for different elements. Our palettes enable us to stand out from our competitors. L'Orgerie's palette is made of a golden brown and a dark red because they are beer flavour colours but we added green because we want people to feel positive about l'Orgerie. This lively palette makes the branding welcoming and exciting.

Primary colour can be used for freely for background. But it is important to respect that each colour has a section : green for account, red for event and black for the menu section.

This palette is complementary colours and should mostly be used for illustrations.

L'Orgerie's app

L'Orgerie's app enable clients to be informed about events, avantages and brewery options that match their input preferences.
L'Orgerie's app is both functional (used for ordering drinks) and informative (allowing users to explore and learn about the microbrewery).
L'Orgerie app has three main sections:

  • Menu
  • Events
  • Membership

What I would do differently

Looking back at this project while doing my portfolio, there are many things that I would change. First of all I would add more “in situation” graphism for the graphical charter. Then I would add more illustrations, I also think that I would change the complementary colours.
Finally, it is a value proposition design but I think it could be interesting to push the project further and conduct user journeys.

Feel free to check out those projects if you want to read more of my work.