Graphics, AR Design, Visual Design

Bringing poetry to Life: an interactive AR poster for the "Midi Minuit Poésie" festival

For the occasion of the “Midi Minuit Poésie” poetry festival, I created an interactive poster illustrating an extract of the poetry “La geste permanente de Gentil-Coeur” wrote by Fanny Chiarello.

1 month project, October 2021, Nantes, France

My role

I worked alone on this project from beginning to end.

The problem

To understand the essence of the poem in order to deliver a unique user experience.

The solution

Use the software “Spark Ar” in order to apply an interactive filter to the poster with sound and movements.

The process

  1. First I immersed myself in the universe of the author and the book in order to find working axes.
  2. I selected inspirations in adequacy with the axes created previously then I created poster propositions and then I chose the final poster.
  3. Finally, I met users and raised possible improvements.

The poem

The book is about the author crossing paths with a young jogger in a park and then for a month, every prime number day, she went to the park on a bicycle in the hope of seeing her a second time. Here is the extract of the poem that we made the poster of :

Pas même moi ce matin ne leur dispute

je reconnais le garçon au VTT
qui mercredi s'exerçait à rouler sur
une seule roue mais qui à présent se
contente de consulter son téléphone
avec importance à treize ans puis enfin
s'essaie à faire sauter ce vélo en
s'arc-boutant sur les pédales ce à quoi
il gagnerait à consacrer plus de temps
je reconnais aussi Gecko et son pote
qui dit encore pardon elle vous a fait peur
l'autre jour mais elle est gentilles et j'acquiesce
sans pour autant la caresser au cas où
sa gentilles cesserait au seuil de
mes doigts et qu'elle les croquerait d'un coup

si ça continue je vais me faire moi
ici des habitudes et des amis
si ça continue je vais découvrir une
régularité dans le parc Jean Guimier
à laquelle toi seule et c'est là hélas
à la fois mon drame et mon adrénaline
ferais aussi formidablement défaut

Extract of the poem “La geste permanente de Gentil-Coeur” wrote by Fanny Chiarello

The festival

Midi Minuit Poésie is a poem festival which takes place in Nantes every year. The festival establishes bridges between poetry and other artistic practices, such as music or the visual arts. The event presents contemporary poetry in all its forms and reaffirms poetic speech as a field of reflection on current issues that agitate our societies.

2021 poster of the festival

Working axes

First I read the book “La geste permanente de Gentil-Coeur” to understand Fanny Chiarello's theme and universe.

I highlighted working axes that seemed relevant:

  • Numbers, in particluar primary numbers and the number 11.
  • Movement, the theme of persistance and continuum.
  • Music, sound, “chanson de geste” (French medieval epic poem).
  • Reconstitution, putting pieces together to imagine who is the athlete.
  • Love, attachment, excitement, chanson de geste.

Working axes

I made research on projects that inspired us, here are some of the most relevant:

Linea, 1997, Francis Alÿs
I was inspired by Francis Alÿs work for her way of bringing a poectic sensibility to mundanities of everyday life.

“Requiem for a Self-Portrait”, Alice Laverty
In this work, I thought the way the artist explores memories to create a portrait was similar to the way Fanny Chiarello is trying to imagine who the unknowne runner is and what her life is made of.

Montreux Jazz Festival 2021
I thought this poster was interesting for its energy and music.


I explored working axes with sketches, decoupage, composition. Here are the two most relevant:

As you can see, at first I thought about bringing pieces together to make a woman’s face but then I thought it would be more interesting to do it with only elements ( see next poster)

Here I brought pieces of paper, leaves and packaging that the author could have found in a park.

Using some of the previous work (paper found in a park) I played more with the number 11. For instance the circle diameter is 11cm and the opacity as well.

Final poster

Finally, I chose the colour red in reference to the passion that emanates from the story and permitting the poster to grab attention. Also, I made graphic repetitions and typo choices to express the musical dimension and draw interest towards the poem, inviting users to read it.

Digital poster

To make the poster’s filter, I used “Ar Spark”, an augmented reality platform that allows the creation of AR effects for mobile cameras. I associated a heartbeat to the experience in order to create a feeling among users that lasts uninterruptedly ... or almost.

Displaying and testing

I displayed the poster in the city of Nantes to see how people reponded to the experience.
Here are three verbatims:

  • “I know the house of poetry very well. I did my internship there. (...) I find your poster super cool."
  • "That's so cool ! (...) It's very interesting."
  • "It's kind of attractive”

The test enabled me to observe and raise improvement axes :

  • The older the person the more they enjoyed the experience but it is also extra difficult for them to access the filter.
  • Spark AR filters are working with Instagram making it impossible for Facebook users or people with no social network to live the experience so we should make the filter accessible on internet directly.
  • It isn't clear for everyone that a digital experience is proposed or how to use it so it would be helpful to make written indications to inform and explain how to use the filter.
  • Users really appreciated the sound but some didn't put the sound on, so it would be useful to inform about this feature : for example with a speaker pictogram.
  • Digital posters create a real interest for the festival and the author
First QR code poster vs. the one made after meeting users

Project review

At the end I had the opportunity to meet the author of the poem.
Looking back at this project while doing my portfolio, I will go further in the experimentation of the material and I will try other software.


Thanks to our instructor Juliette Bretéché for helping me and giving feedbacks on my graphic test. Also, thanks to the persons who tested my poster !

Feel free to check out those projects if you want to read more of my work.